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Hello Investor

Are you an Investor but not a full-time trader? Simply Widgets has the solution for you to keep up with the major U.S. Stock Markets and Crypto Currencies. We, also, want you to keep up with some of your favorite Equities or Cryptos. We devised a simple method to keep track of 5 of the most important financial items you want to track. It had to be small enough that you could do your regular job without interference. It had to be configurable to your space in the size you wanted. Plus, your online broker is just one click away! Watching the markets is not your full-time job, so why should it interfere with your main profession? Easily Download Simple Quotes and subscribe for a whole year - just $2.95!

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Simply Quotes does all of this for you in a minimal amount of desktop space

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Your Desktop View

As you can see, Simply Quotes takes a minimal amount of desktop space. This allows you to keep working and watch your favorites simultaneously!